Atlas Services Srl

Radiological Protection Service Company

Analisi ambientali

Misuratore della radioattività naturale e artificiale. Dispositivo nero sostenuto da una mano con un guanto bianco.

Assessment analysis and remediation

  • Environmental impact assessments
  • Campaigns for measuring natural and artificial radioactivity in confined and open environments
  • Study and implementation of measurement and remediation campaigns on landfill sites
  • Study and implementation of measurement and remediation campaigns on sites with phosphogypsum
  • Study and implementation of measurement campaigns, procedures, systems and interventions in the petroleum sector for the research and remediation of NORM

Exposure to risks

  • Measurement and evaluation of exposure to Radon gas
  • Protection from risks deriving from the presence of ionizing radiation
  • Functions of qualified expert / radiation protection expert for the physical surveillance of the protection pursuant to and for the purposes of Legislative Decree 101/202
Due barili verde e blu, con persona munita di dispositivi di protezione individuale che li regge al di sopra di un montacarichi.

Radioactive material

  • Specialist assistance for the transportation of radioactive material
  • Procedures and systems for the search and recovery of radioactive sources in metal scrap and urban and hospital waste
  • Evaluation of incorporation of radioactive nuclides and calculation of the internal dose from inhalation or ingestion of radioisotopes
  • Plant safety analysis
  • Risk and effect assessment following Maximum Credible Accident (MCA)
Onde sonore blu nelle analisi ambientali

Ambient acoustics

Technical services in the field of environmental acoustics with reference to Italian Law 447, a law framework on noise pollution which defines the fundamental principles for the protection of the external environment and the living environment from noise pollution.

  • Acoustic impact assessment: determine if a work complies with the emission and sound emission limits of the chosen area and of the adjacent areas.
  • Acoustic Impact Forecast Assessment: the noise impact forecast documentation (DPIA) is a technical document that is required and drawn up during the design phase of a work project, or during the authorization phase, in order to verify the acoustic compatibility within the context of the work.
  • Vibration Assessment: Mechanical vibrations are oscillatory movements characterized by a relatively high frequency and a relatively small amplitude. Legislative Decree 81/08 requires the Employer to carry out a measurement of the ′hand-arm′ and ′whole body′ vibrations for each single worker exposed.
  • Noise Assessment: Legislative Decree 81/2008 requires the employer to carry out a noise assessment within their company in order to identify the workers exposed to risk, and to implement the appropriate prevention and health protection measures.